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His life does NOT suck! Neither would sucking something in that pic!

Ohhh my what it must have felt like . Those legs against the chest and shoulders . Deep inside you . Looking in your eyes . Your sexy hands pulling it in deeper . By the look on your sexy lips . It's deep and you like it . Your pics are always soo erotic. Oh look at you. Wow. Arms above your head please, you know where I want those toes. Don't you.Then open those legs, knees back, deep, long strokes ;) This pic needs sound. He is only as good as the subject/person he aims his camera at and in your case that makes him a fanfreakentastic photographer. There IS an artistic quality to this photo. What a lucky friend. As for Mr. H's talent. I don't want to take anything away from him, but he does have a perfect subject to work with. Xxx. So very few can turn love into art and know the art of love.Thank you Amanda~!